Practical Night

Club Rooms 11 Church Street, Kilsyth, United Kingdom

Bring along your cameras for this practical night

Christmas Dinner

The Swan, Banton 102 Main Street, Banton, United Kingdom

Back to The Swan, Banton for our Christmas Dinner

Christmas Lights

A second chance to visit the Christmas Lights in Edinburgh

Third Competition and Photo Challenge 2

We are integrating the Third Competition and Photo Challenge It will be in the hall and be judged by ourselves Themes: Sunrise & Zoos

Fourth League Competition

Judged by George Robertson "An award-winning Photographer, International Mountain Leader and World Traveller based near Glasgow, Scotland. "

Surreal Artists – Competition

You chose this theme at the AGM last year. After a discussion on Facebook, the wonderful Sally Sallett volunteered to judge this for us. Get your thinking caps on and lets give Sally a good entry to judge

Practical Night

This is in the syllabus as Astrophotography If we have clear skies, we will head to the hills. If we can;t see the stars, we will do something indoors instead